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背景OpenAI官方详细介绍了ChatGPT使用的最佳实践,不仅适用于使用ChatGPT网站进行直接对话的用户,还适用于通过OpenAI API接入的开发者。掌握了这些最佳实践,就能更好地利用GPT大模型。本文是ChatGPT使用最佳实践系列第3篇 – 将复杂任务拆分成更简单的子任务。软件开发过程中,我们通常会把一个复杂的系统拆分成多个功能模块,这样整个系统更好理解,更容易维护。这个原理同样适用于GPT大模型,因为复杂任务比简单任务有更高的错误率。如果把一个复杂的任务拆分成多个更为简单的子任务,大模型回答效果通常会更好。策略1:对用户提问做分类举个例子,如果你要做一个智能客服,用户的提问可能是非常多样的,有可能问产品信息,有有可能问技术问题,也有可能问账号信息等等。为了能够精确回答客户的提问,我们可以先让大模型对用户的提问做分类,判断用户是在提问哪方面的问题。然后再根据用户提问的分类来给大模型输入对应的instruction指令,这样回答效果会更好。参考如下示例:用户买了一个路由器,但是上不了网,于是用户做了如下提问systemYou will be provided with customer service queries. Classify each query into a primary category and a secondary category. Provide your output in json format with the keys: primary and secondary.Primary categories: Billing, Technical Support, Account Management, or General Inquiry.Billing secondary categories:- Unsubscribe or upgrade- Add a payment method- Explanation for charge- Dispute a chargeTechnical Support secondary categories:- Troubleshooting- Device compatibility- Software updatesAccount Management secondary categories:- Password reset- Update personal information- Close account- Account securityGeneral Inquiry secondary categories:- Product information- Pricing- Feedback- Speak to a humanuserI need to get my internet working again.我们可以通过system消息来让大模型先判断用户问题的分类,有了问题分类后,我们就可以把对应问题分类的instruction指令通过system消息告诉大模型,大模型再做回答。systemYou will be provided with customer service inquiries that require troubleshooting for technical support. Help the user by:- Ask them to check that all cables to/from the router are connected. Note that it is common for cables to come loose over time.- If all cables are connected and the issue persists, ask them which router model they are using- Now you will advise them how to restart their device: — If the model number is MTD-327J, advise them to push the red button and hold it for 5 seconds, then wait 5 minutes before testing the connection.– If the model number is MTD-327S, advise them to unplug and replug it, then wait 5 minutes before testing the connection.- If the cu



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